Where This Begins


 “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” {Psalm 37:4}  

 I firmly believe that as a true believer, one of your desires becomes spreading God’s word to everyone you come in contact with when you delight in Him. This is why I started this blog. The Lord really put this on my heart a few months ago and was very clear: “You have delighted in Me and I want to be a delight to others through you. I want to use your words for My glory.” I put it off until now, making excuses that I didn’t have the time or the words to say, but I want to obey my Father in Heaven so here I am! 

This Bible verse is the driving force behind the name of this blog, the person I am still becoming, and what I strongly believe in. Why this verse? What is its importance? To me, the meaning behind this verse is not what it seems. The sentence itself alludes to the idea that if we go to church, read our Bible every day, pray constantly, etc. that God will give us what we desire. So, since I pray constantly, I will win the lottery and be able pay off my college loans? NO. That would be lovely, but that is not what this verse means at all. The true meaning of this verse, in my opinion, is something so much better than that! 

I’m sure you are wondering what on earth could be better than winning the lottery to pay off college loans or any kind of debt, or getting that car you have always dreamed of, or a house for your new family. Those things are wonderful, but they are earthly things.

Here’s my take on this verse through scripture and prayer: When we truly delight in the eternal things of the Lord, our desires will begin to align with His and we will never go unfulfilled.

If we begin to delight our self in the Lord, and I mean really commit our life to Him and live out His purpose, then we start to see desires being fulfilled by the Lord. This is the greatest part: when you invest your heart and life into eternal things, your desires become aligned with the Lord’s desires. These are desires that cannot be fulfilled by anyone else. Why would you want them to be? I know that at the end of my life, I get to go home and be with Jesus. So, why would I not delight in Him now, here on earth, where I can see the endless blessings he gives me and also lead others to Him? Why would I not share that with the masses? 

The Lord has orchestrated a beautiful plan for those who love Him and those who are looking for something they cannot find on earth. That is where we come in. This is that desire that has been planted into our hearts since we gave it all to Him. Isn’t that amazing?! Our desires align with His desires and that is where we begin to see fruitful blessings and a heap of grace from our Father who unconditionally loves us. 

 So what about earthly things, then? Earthly things versus eternal things. This is hard for me because I see the need for delight in eternal things, but I also want to delight in and desire earthly things as well. These things are actually people that I love and care about. I’m not very materialistic so it’s not objects that I usually find delight in, but rather people. The Lord made Eve for Adam so he wouldn’t be alone in the world. To have a partner. Then we see friendship come into play. For example, love your neighbor as yourself, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, etc. It becomes difficult for me to see that the Lord wants us to store our treasures in Heaven when He gave us these beautiful gifts of friendship and love for others {see Matthew 6:19-21}. That’s where I am completely wrong: the Lord does want us to have friendships and love others, but He wants us to remember that it’s all about giving God your heart and your life. Seeing this shift of desires take place to where yours and His are aligned is what leads us in continual delight. At the end of the day, it’s all about God. He is who you should desire first and where your delights should be.

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